Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last Show of 2010!

Hey Avery Islanders!

The last show of 2010 is just around the corner and I'm here with the details.

Like always, thank you to everyone who has attended the past few shows. From what I've been hearing, the fan turn out has been sensational. The band and everyone involved behind the scenes has been extremely thankful for the energy and the gusto each audience has represented at each show. Cheers have been uproarious and the applauses have been impassioned. Even from what I've experienced online, I haven't met fans like these who are so thrilled to see Avery Island live. The event pages the band has been setting up on in order to generate buzz have had numerous replies with positive feedback. Again, we all can't thank you guys enough.

Onto the final show of the year. The months have zipped by so fast, haven't they? It feels like it was just yesterday that I was reporting about just how this music has lifted my spirits. Anyways, yes, the show.

Date: Friday, December 17
Time: 7:30pm
Location: El Mocambo
                461 Spadina Ave.
                Toronto, ON

What a wonderful way to spend the holiday season. Not only will you get to hear the sweet sounds of Avery Island but if you attend this festive outing, you will get great shows from Soundspeed, Get Loot, Papa's Delicate Condition, and Symphony of Nine. That's five bands! Five bands who are sure to knock the wool socks right off of your feet. Five bands, a fun crowd, and a most excellent concert setting. All you have to do is pay either a $5 cover in advance or an $8 cover at the door. This show is also 19+ and will be hosted by the charismatic Joel Martin. To buy tickets in advance, head on over to and you'll be able to punch your name in for an incredible, musical ride.

If you guys wish to get acquainted with the bands that will be performing at El Mocambo, here are the MySpace pages for the groups.


All these bands have an incredible sound and will compliment each other with how different they each sound. Once again, this show is going to be amazing!

It's been a great year and I'm definitely glad I got this opportunity to blog and vlog for this wonderful band and to bring the information to you, the avid fan. I hope to bring you more blogs and videos in the future and I hope you all have been enjoying the content just as much as you guys have been enjoying the tunes.

One last quick bit of information, another Twitter account has been opened and it's much better than the previous one. With the previous Twitter, I could only make tweets. With this new account, the band will be able to tweet up a storm. That said, I highly suggest you follow Avery Island in order to get the full Twitter experience with direct updates and posts about the shows.


Hope everyone has had a stellar week. Take care!


BLOG EXTRA: Check out this recent interview Greg Hempel conducted with Avery Island.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Support From Avery Island and You

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well. I have information in regards to the upcoming show on November 29th at 9:00pm at The Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto and the shows taking place for the next six months after that.

As you've read, Avery Island is a local indie band who thinks of everyone in the grand scheme of things. All the members are always concerned to what's going on around them and they are committed to equality. Because of the tragic events involving homosexual teens being ridiculed and then considering and carrying of their own demise, this is a time where people must take a stand. Avery Island is taking their involvement within the music industry to the next level. The proceeds of the gate and the money fundraised at the gigs within the six month period will be donated to The Trevor Project and GLSEN. These foundations were brought up previously in the blog before this. For those who haven't caught that particular blog, here are the links for both organizations.



The band wants to generate support and awareness for these two important organizations. The band, the crew, and I would like to ask for your support by spreading the word to your friends, family, and anyone else about these shows. Be it on Facebook, Twitter, any other social networking site, or simply by word of mouth; every little bit counts. Also, to show your support at these shows, we ask you to wear purple to show your solidarity and the reinforcement each of you holds within you. By doing this, we make a statement by our presence, our words, and our song.

We thank all of you in advance and we can't wait to see you all at the upcoming shows. They are going to be beyond stellar and AI will be sure to rock those socks right off your feet.
:) <3

Take care!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Two Upcoming Shows!

Addison here with another Avery Island blog. It's certainly been a while, wouldn't you say? Hopefully, I can make up for the absence here with this write-up that's sure to get you excited and in the mood for some excellent beats.

There are two shows coming up; one show is very very soon and the other is in November. Let's talk about the one that is fast approaching.

AVERY ISLAND w/ Friends At The Central
Date: Thursday, October 28
Time: 9:00pm - 1:00am
Location: The Central
               603 Markham St.
               Toronto, ON

Some of you may already know about this concert if you have liked the fan page on Facebook. This is going to be a memorable night, no doubt, AND it's for a good cause. The cover is strictly a "pay what you can" deal with all the collected proceeds going towards The Trevor Project and GLSEN. Here are two links describing what exactly those two foundations are; very kind hearted, individuals behind both of those.

At 9, the doors open to the venue where you and your friends are able to mingle around, grab some drinks, and perhaps talk to other fans. The show begins at 9:45 where Dan Brooks will play a 30 minute set. Dan is a great musician and definitely has a unique voice. Check out his MySpace here:

After Mr. Brooks, Avery Island will take the stage at 10:30 until 11:15 where they will play an incredible set. The reception at the past gigs have been stellar and we can't wait to see how the audience at The Central will react to the music. After Avery Island, Triple Gangsters will perform at 11:30 until 12:15. Haven't heard their music but I'm sure they will be great nonetheless.

Hopefully, everyone can make it out to this show and if you see any of the members of any of the bands, throw them a "hi" and a hand shake; tell them how well they did. I'm sure all three bands would appreciate the kindness and take the time to speak with their fans.

In my last blog, I talked about a show in November. That show is still planning to take place and is still planning to blow some minds.

AVERY ISLAND @ The HorseShoe Tavern
Date: Monday, November 29
Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: The Horseshoe Tavern
               368 Queen St. W
               Toronto, ON

Mark your calendars, kiddies, because this show is going to be planted into your brain. THAT'S how hard this show will rock. Right now, the information I have is that Avery island will start their set at 9:15. What if I told you the show is absolutely free? That's right. FREE! It just doesn't get any better than that. You and your friends, your family, your profs and your pets need to come to this show. If not, you may not see these guys until next year. This could very well be the last time you see Avery Island LIVE this year. If that doesn't light a fire underneath you, I don't know what will. 

If I get any more information about these shows, I'll be sure to provide it as soon as I obtain it. In the meantime, everyone should rush out to the show that takes place on the 28th. It's going to be a blast.

Hope everyone is having a great week and make sure you follow AI on Twitter @averyislandband!


P.S: Here's a bonus! Avery Island at the Phog Lounge. Enjoy and thanks to the special individual who took this video.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rancho, Atria, and More Shows! Oh my!

Hey all,

Addison here with some Avery Island details that are sure to excite you. But first, let's talk about the past.

Even though I couldn't make it out, I hear the Rancho show was sensational! The crowd in attendance clocked in at about 100 people which is, to my understanding, a record turnout for a show that fell on a Wednesday night. We know people are getting into the swing of school so the band and I really appreciate that a lot of you were able to manage making it out on Wednesday. The support is a great help. When AI was performing, the crowd was very involved; bobbing their heads slowly to the music and moving their feet to the sweet sounds. The crowd went wild when AI finished their set. From the sounds of it, you can tell that the crowd wanted more.

The Atria show in Oshawa was last night and it was another show that went extremely well. Like the Rancho show, the crowd was immediately hooked to Lauren's vocals and their eyes were glued to Jordan and his bass, Kyle and his drums, and Brandon knocking out some stellar guitar riffs. Big thanks to the Oshawa crowd that were able to come! The crowd also ate up the stylings up The Warped 45's. Great job, 45's! For those who might've missed this excellent pairing and also missed The Warped 45's on stage, you can check out their music here.


To the talented Warped 45's, AI loved performing with you. Hope the band and I meet you down the road sooner than later.

As you know from Facebook links and the video that I shot and edited, a few updates have been utilized on both the main AI webpage as well as the MySpace page. In the video, I briefly talked about what I thought of them. I thought I could go into slightly more detail here. I think these updates were certainly for the better. The MySpace, for instance, had a very nice layout with everything being easily accessible. After the revamp, I find the page to be a lot more appealing on the eyes. The background graphic is a great picture that was wonderfully chopped. I really like those filters that have been applied to that background image. I also think the background complements the text well making everything on the site very easy to read. I hate when I'm on a site and someone's made the text dark blue and the background dark purple. You can't read a single thing unless your eyes are three inches away from the monitor and you squint like mad. I digress though. I also love the official AI website. Again, everything is easily accessible and I adore how the song of choice that begins to play is "Grapes", head-over-heels with that song, I say. I like the addition of quotes from reviews and the slideshows present are put together very professionally. Overall, the websites are tweaked for the better and the developer(s) deserve a hearty pat on the back as well as a nice warm mug of hot chocolate for their hard work.


Now onto the concert news. Just for a reminder, here are the next two shows coming up.

AVERY ISLAND @ Phog Lounge
Date: Saturday, October 9th
Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Phog Lounge
157 University Ave. West
Windsor, ON

THIS IS TONIGHT! That said, the status of this one has stayed the same; no additional information. Hope you guys have a blast; it'll be a lot of fun. AI, break a leg!

AVERY ISLAND & JUMPLE! @ The Drake Hotel
Date: Monday, October 11th
Time: 10:00pm - 2:00am
Location: Drake Underground
1150 Queen St. West
Toronto, ON

Still desperately want to make it out for this show on Monday. Like I said before, if you like rowdy, original, party music with a mix of a lot of fun, you're going to love these guys. Here is their MySpace:


Listen immediately to Na-Na-Na and You and Me. Highly recommend those tunes. The fact that you'll be seeing these guys as well as Avery Island will make this show incredible. Why not wash that turkey down with some stellar tunes. Want to know what else is incredible? There's no cover and, in case that Turkey and those mashed taters didn't fill you up, there's a free buffet at 10pm. Sure to be an excellent topper to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Now, finally, the big news. Some of you might've caught this bit of information on our Twitter earlier but, in case you haven't heard, Avery Island will be playing a set at The Horseshoe on Monday, November 29th at 9:15pm. There's no cover but it'll be a 19+ show. This very well could be the LAST Avery Island show of 2010 so we have to fill that tavern up to the brim, ladies and gentlemen. For those on Facebook, once an event page is created, you'll all be hearing about it. Not on Facebook? I'll be blogging about it right here so don't you worry. However, I definitely suggest signing up for a Facebook account and I wholeheartedly recommend liking AI on Facebook and following their Twitter (@AveryIslandBand). You'll be the first to know any details about any concerts these guys will be appearing at.

Phew, well there's all the information all out on the table. Now, it's up to you to show up to these sure to be awesome shows. Looking forward to coming out to one of these shows, meeting some people, and overall having an excellent night with Avery Island.

Happy Early Turkey Day, everyone!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Recaps Plus Mo' Concerts, Mo' Fun

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone had a blast at Lee's Palace. I've heard incredible things and I'm glad there was a big turn out. That said, Canadian film producer Christian Suarez was at the gig shooting footage for a potential video. More video info to come later. Before I start telling you about the new concerts that are scheduled, let's rewind just a tad.

There were a few shows Avery Island played before the Lee's Palace gig so let's talk about those briefly. On the 18th, Avery Island played two gigs; one on Markham Street in Toronto and another at the KOI Music Festival in Kitchener. I hear from my sources that both shows went wonderfully and the audience's energy on both occasions were stellar. People who were new to the sounds of Avery Island were immediately hooked. Previous bands, after they were done playing, gathered to the front of the stage while eager fans waited for the set.

Avery Island steps up to their instruments and the mic and they begin to play. Instantly, the audience was captivated. Some were so head over heels with the band, that it was noticed that some of the new fans were already logging onto the band's MySpace to check out upcoming concerts, pictures from past concerts and other audio content. In Toronto, Avery Island played a new song called Sanamunja; a track that has yet to be recorded. When I heard that this new, mysterious song was being played, I was immediately bummed out I couldn't attend the Toronto concert. There was no encore in Toronto due to the band needing to get to Kitchener for KOI. With all this said, the band was thrilled by the reaction from both shows and thanks their fans abundantly.

Alrighty, new concerts. The boys and girl have some excellent line-ups ahead and here is the rundown according to the events organized on their Facebook page. Become a fan and "like" Avery Island and be the first to receive additional concert info.

Date: Wednesday, October 6th
Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Rancho Relaxo
                300 College
                Toronto, ON

More info is to be announced on this concert but I can tell you that there is a $7 cover.

AVERY ISLAND & The Warped 45's @ The Atria
Date: Friday, October 8th
Time: 9:00pm - 12:00 am
Location: The Atria
                59 King St. East
                Oshawa, ON

It's going to be a great night in Oshawa with both of these bands playing. Avery Island plays first followed by The Warped 45's. I really like The Warped 45's. Mellow sound with great uses of horns and guitars. The lead vocals are really interesting too. It's going to be an incredible show. Cover is $7.

The Mighty 45's website:

AVERY ISLAND @ Phog Lounge
Date: Saturday, October 9th
Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Phog Lounge
               157 University Ave. West
               Windsor, ON

More information coming soon.

AVERY ISLAND & JUMPLE! @ The Drake Hotel
Date: Monday, October 11th
Time: 10:00pm - 2:00am
Location: Drake Underground
                1150 Queen St. West
                Toronto, ON

This is the show I'm definitely excited for AND I sure hope I'm able to make it out for this one. Avery Island plays first and Jumple follows. If you haven't head of Jumple, definitely seek them out and click on their MySpace link. They are the definition of unique party music. With all the members originating from various parts of the Soviet Union, their music immediately establishes a fun, rowdy mood with catchy tunes. I can't stop listening to Na-Na-Na and You and Me, both songs that I can guarantee will be stuck in your head for days. With all this said, there is NO COVER and a free buffet at 10pm. What more could you ask for? This night has the potential to run alongside Halloween as the best night in October.

JUMPLE's MySpace:

Avery Island is continuing to work on their next EP and I'll have major news in regards to that soon. And that's all I have right now, everyone. Be sure to check up on this site more additional information regarding Avery Island, their concerts, upcoming music, and any other facts that will get your groove on.

Have a good one!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Impressions of Avery Island

Blog By: Addison Wylie

In music, there are moments that make you feel happy or excited, like listening to your favourite song, and then there are moments that raise that bar to a whole other level. For me, discovering a band with an original sound would fall into that category of lifting me to Cloud 9. In fact, I'm even more thrilled when I find out the band is Canadian. With all this said, these moments are usually far and few between for me but it's worth the wait. When I was first introduced to the stylings of Rush, I was instantly floored by this feeling. When I first discovered The New Pornographers when I popped their Mass Romantic CD into my computer, this feeling occurred. This occurrence has happened once again. Toronto Indie Music Award nominees, Avery Island, a band originating in Durham, Ontario and have been creating music since early 2009, brings a lot to the table offering audiences fresh and innovative writing and performances as well as a variety of different songs that are sure to be stuck in your head for ages.

Band members Brandon Heenan, Jordan Plishewsky, Kyle Rawn, and Lauren Heenan know exactly what they're doing and know how to portray their image and sound across to multiple audiences. The band's main focus is to play with their audiences emotions which is portrayed effectively through the writing. By utilizing effective phrasing techniques, including holding notes for emotional, affecting results, and by using the weight of expression in Lauren's voice, Avery Island is able to capture heart strings and never let go. The songs vary from gradual melodies to fast paced, animated music. The moods and transitions between the different tracks never feel abrupt or uncomfortable which is very nice and the audience is never taken out of the audible experience. As for the other members of the band, Brandon Heenan offers great accompaniment with his talents on the guitar as well as offering background vocals. His vocals can be very subtle but they make a great difference in the overall tone displayed in the music. Pilshewsky offers a lot as well showing off his expertise on the bass guitar and Rawn's drumming talent is persistently marvellous. His ability to bang out creative beats is astounding. Also, it definitely helps that all these bright musicians seem like a great group of people that you'd want to hang around with.

It's great to know that another great Canadian band can move onto my queue of bands I am definitely going to recommend to people who are in the mood for inventive music by a young, smart band that offers original elements without being gimmicky. The tracks that show their strongest efforts are definitely Jive Talking and Grapes Study Me, I've Seen the Reports; both stellar tracks that would give a music lover instant first impressions as to the level of originality their in for.

Avery Island's music can be heard at and their blog is located at Avery Island can be seen live at Lee's Palace in Toronto on September 23rd at 9pm.

AVERY ISLAND Vlog #1: Introduction